Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Carcinogenic substances in Vegetable oil

In 2002, Eden Tareke et al from University of Stockholm, Sweden, announced the results of research on acrylamide. Acrylamide is a carcinogen formed in heated foods.
According to the Research,High carbohydrate foods such as potatoes, cassava, yams, bananas, rice, etc., when fried will decompose, and then reacts with the amino acids produce carcinogenic compounds called acrylamide

In 2002, Eden Tareke et al from University of Stockholm, Sweden, announced the results of research on acrylamide. Acrylamide is a carcinogen formed in heated foods.
According to the Research, carbohydrate-rich foods such as potatoes, cassava, yams, bananas, rice, etc., when fried will decompose, and then reacts with the amino acids produce carcinogenic compounds called acrylamide.

Acrylamide cause tumors, DNA damage, nerve damage, interfere with fertility rates, and result in miscarriage. A plate of French fries are cooked at a temperature of 220 ° C contain acrylamide approximately 2500 micrograms. This number is already causing gene mutations. What if every day we eat French fries, crackers, fried bananas, fried cassava, or another fried?

So, what means we absolutely should not eat fried foods? It's okay, as long as not too much and know tips healthy. Because after the oil is also needed in our body's metabolism, in an amount not more than 5-10 ml / day (1-2 tablespoons). Then how healthy tips?

One of the tips healthy eating fried food is a way to fry your own food. With its own fry we can always use new oil. The oil has not been used for frying is still expected to be free of acrylamide and other carcinogenic substances. Also, we can regulate the temperature of frying oil at a time so as not too hot and fried while lifting the maturation medium.

Oil temperature during frying over medium heat, averaging 180-220 oC.. The lower temperature, the less acrylamide is formed. Otherwise, the more heat the more acrylamide it.

In addition, the vegetable oil is heated too high to be oxidized and polymerized substances generating free radicals and trans oils (trans fatty acids) that are harmful to health and lead to cancer. vegetable oil is turned into a trans oil is marked with the discharge of smoke from the pan, changing the color becomes darker, it smells rancid / stinging, more viscous fluid, and cause itching / irritation of the throat. But there is also the trans oil is natural without going through the frying process, namely the fat of ruminant animals.

Vegetable oil that has been used, if reused more easily damaged than new oil. It's easier and faster smoky blackened though the temperature is not too hot.

With fry itself, we can set the temperature not too hot, which uses a small flame, as well as using less oil so as not too much of acrylamide and other carcinogenic compounds that form and join absorbed into the food. And do not forget before you eat, the remnants of oil that sticks to the food we used to use paper or absorbent tissue. But the tips fry itself and limit amount of fried food that is eaten at all has not been enough to prevent cancer. Especially if you already have cancer, should be more careful again. Used cooking oil must also be safe.

1 komentar:

  1. even the healthiest cold pressed olive oil becomes carcinegenic when burning. you are right - keep the temperature low when cooking
