Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Some benefit Virgin Coconut Oil For health

The difference between vegetable oil and the VCO can also be seen when both are used for frying. Due to the high heating, the vegetable oil trans fatty acids formed. These fatty acids are no longer the nutrients can be transformed into double bonds, change bond and occurs deflection or other forms of uncertainty.

The difference between vegetable oil and the VCO can also be seen when both are used for frying. Due to the high heating, the vegetable oil trans fatty acids formed. These fatty acids are no longer the nutrients can be transformed into double bonds, change bond and occurs deflection or other forms of uncertainty.

Trans fatty acids are toxic, it changes the chemical structure of the oil becomes chaotic. Thus, trans fatty acids in place of the cell wall. As if to be protective, but in reality it hinder the entry of nutrients into cells and allowing foreign material into the cell.

Vegetable oil heating also generates free radicals that are carcinogenic. Did You Know Combined trans oil, free radicals, excess cholesterol, fat deposits in body tissues is the main cause of various types of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity and cancer. During the basic cause is continued stockpiled in the body, then only dampen any sophisticated treatment of the disease symptoms only temporarily. and not necessarily to cure.

Various health organizations in America and Europe want the levels of trans fatty acids in the diet is 0%. This is because trans fatty acids no longer be nutritious, but as a metabolic poison, like arsenic and cyanide.

Chemical structure of the VCO does not change when heated, is because 92% types of acid already in the form of saturated fat (saturated fatty acids) therefore remained stable.

Virgin Coconut Oil does not produce trans fatty acids and free radicals that are toxic and carcinogenic hazardous. In the digestive process flow VCO in metabolisir produce energy only, no cholesterol and no residual fat deposits, thus the VCO is more secure and beneficial to the consumer than other oils.

Here’s some benefit of Virgin Coconut oil for helath :

1. Help to prevent bacteria, virus and fungus infections.
2. Reduce the risk of cancer and other degerative interferences.
3. Reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attack.
4. Help to control diabetic.
5. Improve digestion and absortion of nutrient.
6. to prevent osteoporosis.
7. Help to prevent earlier aging and wrinkled skin.
8. to protect the skin from skin cancer and other intereferences.
9. as antioxydant protection.

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