Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Is it the carton can caused cancer ???

World medicine continues to develop innovation and science to help humanity related disease treatment and prevention. One of the newest is the method of spread of cancer cells. And now, scientists have got facts about the spread of cancer cells.

Swiss scientists supervised by Dr. Connie Grob has found that the carton is harmful to human health. Apparently, the use of paper for recycling carton and manufactured mineral oils in paints can cause contamination of food.
World medicine continues to develop innovation and science to help humanity related disease treatment and prevention. One of the newest is the method of spread of cancer cells. And now, scientists have got facts about the spread of cancer cells.

Swiss scientists supervised by Dr. Connie Grob has found that the carton is harmful to human health. Apparently, the use of paper for recycling carton and manufactured mineral oils in paints can cause contamination of food.

More than half cartons in Europe is recycled. But the analysis has revealed that the mineral oil content in food packaging normally exceed more than 100 times. Scientists get the other fact that the oil evaporation can occur, even in plastic packages.

One of the manufacturers of cereal, Jordans, has announced the transition to a carton made from primary products. Many companies have also familiarize themselves with research results and state that they are now considering the possibility to make changes, but did not promise an instant decision.

Mineral oils related with the development of internal organ inflammation and cancer. Flour, rice, pasta, and cereal for breakfast is of particular concern in terms of packaging.

The British Food Standards Agency has commented on the relevance of such research, but said that it is early to draw conclusions. Information about the high oil content in food packaging is collected only at this time.

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Enough sleep Make a Women More Beautiful

There are many health benefits if they have enough sleep. Especially for women, the benefits are not only prevented the sharing of the disease, but also can make them look more beautiful.

As quoted from the medic magic, the facts revealed by research conducted by experts from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. The study, published in the British Medical Journal, involved 23 female respondents who are relatively young age.

There are many health benefits if they have enough sleep. Especially for women, the benefits are not only prevented the sharing of the disease, but also can make them look more beautiful.

As quoted from the medic magic, the facts revealed by research conducted by experts from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. The study, published in the British Medical Journal, involved 23 female respondents who are relatively young age.

To make an accurate study, all research conducted in the laboratory under the supervision of experts.

On the first day of the experiment, participants were asked to sleep at 11 o'clock at night and set an alarm to wake up at 7 am the next day. So they slept for eight hours and the respondent was photographed with a face without make-up and hair is natural. The next day, the participants slept less than five hours.

Photos taken at the first and second experiment are shown to a group of men who will provide an assessment about the beauty of participants. The photos of the most interesting were scored 10 and the worst score is 1.

The result, photographs taken after eight hours of sleep tend to score higher than women who only get a photo of sleep for five hours. Researchers reveal the effects of sleep deprivation can be seen clearly on the face

"The impression tired and unhealthy because of lack of sleep can appear on the face and will reduce the beauty," explains researcher, as quoted dailymail.

Previous research also concluded that sleep deprivation may accelerate the appearance of wrinkles, especially in the face and neck. This means that the impact of sleep deprivation and beauty does not only happen in the long run, but could emerge soon after waking.

Eliminate Wrinkles with Drinking Water

Wrinkles on the face seems to be the most frightening thing for women. But you need not worry, it turns out wrinkles on the face can be prevented and reduced simply by drinking water.

Water has many benefits both health and also the skin beauty. As quoted in the Times of India, a doctor and nutritionist stated that drinking at least eight glasses of water a day can maintain facial skin rejuvenation. Drinking water with a large number also believed to moisturize the skin also keep acne and wrinkles on the face.

Wrinkles on the face seems to be the most frightening thing for women. But you need not worry, it turns out wrinkles on the face can be prevented and reduced simply by drinking water.

Water has many benefits both health and also the skin beauty. As quoted in the Times of India, a doctor and nutritionist stated that drinking at least eight glasses of water a day can maintain facial skin rejuvenation. Drinking water with a large number also believed to moisturize the skin also keep acne and wrinkles on the face.

In placebo-controlled trial, some women were asked to drink water as much as half a liter for eight weeks without changing his lifestyle. Some of them drank plain water and the rest drank mineral water willow, natural mineral water sourced from lakes in the UK that contain salicin (anti-inflammatory or inflammation resulting from willow bark) that serves as aspirin.

The purpose of the experiment is to see how many wrinkles are diminished and lost, compare the texture of the skin before and after the experiment and see the damage caused by the sun.

The result after the experiment was very surprising. 19 percent of wrinkles are owned by women who drank plain mineral water is reduced. Whereas 24 percent of wrinkles are reduced in women who drink mineral water Willow

Beauty Products which to Avoid While Pregnant

When pregnant, women have a lot of taboos for the health of her fetus. This is no exception for matters of beauty.

Here are some beauty products are not recommended for use during pregnancy, as quoted from divinecaroline.

When pregnant, women have a lot of taboos for the health of her fetus. This is no exception for matters of beauty.

Here are some beauty products are not recommended for use during pregnancy, as quoted from divinecaroline.

1. Phthalates

Phthalates, or phthalate is a component used for the manufacture of plastics. Phthalates are also used to stabilize fragrances are also found in cosmetics and lotions. In high doses, phthalates make reproductive problems in animals.

Although no further studies about phthalates, pregnant women should still avoid these substances in beauty products. Most beauty products that have fragrances contain phthalates. Therefore, you should use products that do not use fragrances.

2. Hair Care
The chemicals used for painting, curling and other hair treatments that absorb into the scalp of birth defects believed to affect. Therefore, avoid hair treatments that are harmful to the fetus.

3. Retinoids

Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives used for the treatment of acne and anti aging creams. Retinoids is not recommended because the effect makes birth defects.

If you are having a serious acne problems during pregnancy, you should ask your doctor about oral erythromycin is safer to use during pregnancy. You can also use natural ingredients in tackling acne.

4. Salicylic Acid

As with retinoids, oral salicylic acid in high dosage can cause birth defects. Nevertheless, the use of salicylic acid in small amounts at a cleanser and lotion is still relatively safe.

5. Sunscreen

There are two types of sunscreen (sunblock) in the market, namely chemical sunscreen with a protection and sunscreens with physical protection. Although sunscreens with chemical protection yet provide a direct impact on the production of toxins, but they absorb into the skin, so it should be avoided.

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Benefits of Noni juice in overcoming tumor

The tumor is a group of abnormal cells that formed from the process of cell division excessive and uncoordinated. Tumors were divided into two broad categories of benign and malignant tumors, or popularly known as cancer.

The medical did not yet know the exact cause of a person can have a tumor but is generally believed that the process of tumor formation associated with three major factors namely genetic factors (heredity), carcinogenic (oncogenes), and co-carcinogens (co-oncogenes). Tumors that are initially benign, if not treated properly will become inflamed and turn into malignant tumors or cancer.

The tumor is a group of abnormal cells that formed from the process of cell division excessive and uncoordinated. Tumors were divided into two broad categories of benign and malignant tumors, or popularly known as cancer.

The medical did not yet know the exact cause of a person can have a tumor but is generally believed that the process of tumor formation associated with three major factors namely genetic factors (heredity), carcinogenic (oncogenes), and co-carcinogens (co-oncogenes). Tumors that are initially benign, if not treated properly will become inflamed and turn into malignant tumors or cancer.

Scientific research conducted at the Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii showed that the Noni fruit juice contains a substance rich in polysaccharides that have been shown to increase the release of substances that activate the immune boosters cell-white blood cells. In studies on rats conducted at the University of Hawaii, polysaccharides or noni-ppt, extending the life of mice suffering from a tumor so that the researchers concluded that the polysaccharide from Noni suppress tumor growth by activating the immune system of mice.

However, Noni found to stimulate the body's ability to make Nitric Oxide (NO) in the body that are useful to kill the infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Substances found in Noni fruit work as a catalyst to stimulate the natural functions that help the immune suppressed tumor growth in the body.
Research conducted by Dr. Anne Hirazumi from the University of Hawaii also shown that Noni juice has anti-tumor effects. This time, experiments conducted on mice suffering from lung carcinoma. Anne found a possible mechanism of anti-tumor effects through the immune system. Noni fruit juice stimulates the immune system in charge of branches destroy tumor cells. The study was followed by isolating human blood to determine whether the immune cells in humans can be stimulated. Apparently, the laboratory result showed human immune cells can be stimulated.

According to Drs. Judah Folkman from Harvard University, Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in inhibiting blood flow to the tumor cells. The mechanism is similar to squalen oil (from shark liver) that control brain tumor growth and prolong experimental mice by destroying the means of circulation of the blood supply to the tumor cells. In addition, Okadaic acid contained in the noni fruit is also found to serve as a factor of tumor cell destruction.

Various studies have described above have been empirically proven in humans and has even been tested in preclinical. Yes, Noni Juice proven to suppress tumors. Unlike the other Noni products that can be found in the marketplace, Prime Noni Juice is produced using only ripe noni fruit juice and fresh without anything extra. So you can feel the full benefits of the noni fruit without the slightest loss of benefits. Feel free to try Prime Noni Juice as an alternative treatment that can help you find a solution to cope with the tumor.

Mechanism of Noni Juice in Against Obesity

Obesity or overweight is a condition of above-normal body weight due to excessive fat accumulation in adipose tissue. Obesity is caused by poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and heredity.

Now, many people trying to reduce body weight but many do it in a complicated and expensive, such as performing surgery or taking slimming drugs that are sold on the open market. It raises a lot of negative side effects on the body even spend a lot of cost.

Obesity or overweight is a condition of above-normal body weight due to excessive fat accumulation in adipose tissue. Obesity is caused by poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and heredity.

Now, many people trying to reduce body weight but many do it in a complicated and expensive, such as performing surgery or taking slimming drugs that are sold on the open market. It raises a lot of negative side effects on the body even spend a lot of cost.

Here is a slimming drug that is commonly used and cause negative side effects:

It works by suppressing appetite. Amphetamines can cause side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, trembling, headache, and hypertension.

More diuretics or force the body to remove a lot of fluid through urine. If the body is forced to do this, could be dehydration.

Now, you no longer need to spend a lot of cost to overcome the weight problem. You can also free of negative side effects of slimming drugs. You can overcome the problem of obesity in a natural and safe! As one of the herbs widely consumed by millions of people, noni fruit has been proven to effectively combat obesity. What makes Noni so effective in combating obesity problem?

Noni fruit is found in more than 140 active medical components, including proseronin that in the intestine will be converted into seronin that play a role in enzyme activity and protein structure and function in the repair of body cells. Antioxidants are found in the Noni proseronin 100 times more powerful than Vitamin C, 40 times more powerful than Vitamin E, and 20-25 times stronger than Vitamin A beta carotene . This is the substances that are used noni as a powerful weapon to fight obesity

Antioxidants help someone to lose weight because it helps inhibit the aging process to restore health at the cellular level. When the cells of the body's pain, then the function of "survival" them is by increasing the body's systems work to a higher level. The function of "survival" includes maintaining weight loss for "times" tough as a bear that will put the hibernation

When you completed the need of antioxidants with Noni, then you will help the body to reduce weight by increasing the health of all body cells and take it out of "survival phase". With Noni, you can regain your confidence is lost due to obesity without having to spend much money for drugs, or surgery, while avoiding negative side effects caused by slimming drugs.

Reported that many of these users Noni juice has been successfully removing excess weight from 4 pounds the first month alone.
You certainly want to address health problems without creating new health problems. If so, choose a safe and effective way without spending much money. The trick? You can consider Noni as one herb that can help you. Prime Noni Juice can help you get slim and healthy body with an attractive price

Noni Juice Overcoming Stroke

Stroke is a condition that caused the blockage, constriction, or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. As a result, blood flow and oxygen to the brain decreases. Without blood flow that supplies fresh oxygen and nutrients the brain cells will die soon so that the damaged brain tissue and its function will be impaired.

Stroke can also occur when an infection causes inflammation or narrowing of blood vessels leading to the brain. Drugs (eg cocaine and amphetamines) can also narrow the blood vessels in the brain and cause strokes.

Stroke is a condition that caused the blockage, constriction, or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. As a result, blood flow and oxygen to the brain decreases. Without blood flow that supplies fresh oxygen and nutrients the brain cells will die soon so that the damaged brain tissue and its function will be impaired.

Stroke can also occur when an infection causes inflammation or narrowing of blood vessels leading to the brain. Drugs (eg cocaine and amphetamines) can also narrow the blood vessels in the brain and cause strokes.

Decrease in blood pressure that can suddenly cause a reduction in blood flow to the brain that usually causes a person to faint. Stroke can occur if very severe low blood pressure and chronic.

Types of Stroke:

1. Ischemic Stroke: In ischemic stroke, blood flow to the brain stops because atherosclerosis (cholesterol buildup in blood vessel walls) or a blood clot that has clogged the arteries to the brain.
2. Haemorrhagic Stroke: In Hemorrhagic stroke, ruptured blood vessels thereby inhibiting normal blood flow and blood seeps into the region in the brain and damage it. Nearly 70 percent of cases of hemorrhagic strokes occur in people with hypertension.

Symptoms of Stroke

Based on its location in the body, symptoms of a stroke is divided in two parts below:
1. Parts of the central nervous system: muscle weakness (hemiplegia), stiffness, decreased sensory function.
2. Brainstem: Where there are 12 cranial nerves: decreased ability of smell, taste, hear, and see partial or total, decreased reflexes, impaired facial expression, impaired breathing and heart rate, weak tongue.

Stroke Causes :

1. Medical risk factors: hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), heart problems, diabetes, family history of stroke, and migraine.
2. Behavioral risk factors: smoking (active & passive), unhealthy foods (junk food, fast food), alcohol, lack of exercise, snoring, oral contraceptives, drugs, and obesity.

Noni Juice Overcoming Stroke

Noni contains scopoletin which is proven to reduce high blood pressure by dilating blood vessels to shrink. Noni also stimulates the body to produce nitric oxide also relaxes and dilates blood vessels, reducing pressure on the arteries and the heart so it is useful to improve blood circulation and cardiovascular system which can prevent the occurrence of stroke.

In addition, the content proseronin (proxeronine) contained in the noni fruit can dilate blood vessels thereby eliminating blockages in blood vessels and serves very well in the healing of stroke and heart attack. Nutrasetikal contained in Noni is also able to improve the health of the cell structure in the circulatory system.