Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a malignancy of cells found in breast tissue, can be derived from the glans components (epithelial or lobulusnya channels) as well as components such as glandular tissue like fat, blood vessels, and nerve tissue of breast. What are the chances of female breast cancer and how her life expectancy?

Breast cancer is a malignancy of cells found in breast tissue, can be derived from the glans components (epithelial or lobulusnya channels) as well as components such as glandular tissue like fat, blood vessels, and nerve tissue of breast. What are the chances of female breast cancer and how her life expectancy?

Any risk of breast cancer in women may have the possibility of a higher or lower, depending on several factors, including family history, genetic, age at first menstruation, and other factors. Factors that seem to increase the likelihood of developing cancer include:
1. Age over 40 years.
2. Mother or mother's sister / client who has breast cancer.
3. The first period before age 12.
4. Not having children or having children after age 30.
5. History of breast biopsy.
6. Overweight.

The probability of Genesis Breast Cancer After 10 Years

Age 20 1 of 1.985
Age 30 1 of 229
Age 40 1 of 68
Age 50 1 of 37
Age 60 1 of 26
Age 70 1 of 24
Age>70 1 of 8

Facts show that there is a tendency more aggressive cancer development in women younger than women with older age. This also might explain why life expectancy in women younger ages is lower. Life expectancy of women who develop breast cancer described in the following table.

Life expectancy by Age
Age 45 81%
Age 45-64 85%
Age 65 or over 86%

How to determine the stage of breast cancer and how it relates to life expectancy?

Staging of breast cancer is a breast cancer clinical based on a system known as the TNM system, which stands for tumor, nodules, and Metastatic. Broadly speaking, stage of cancer a person can be seen from the size of primary tumor size (tumors that grow first in the breast tissue) - representing T for tumor, presence or absence of cancer spread to regional lymph vessels - represent N for nodules, and presence or absence of evidence the spread of cancer cells through the blood vessels such as the flow to the bone, liver, lung, brain, and others - representing M for metastatic (distant spread).

Life expectancy or prognosis otherwise known as 5-YSR (5 years survival rate) or 10 YSR (10 years survival rate) which means how likely patients are able to live within 5 or 10 years from diagnosis. average life expectancy of patients with breast cancer according to stage of cancer is as follows:

1. Stage 0: 10 YSR 98% (detected by mammography or ultrasound as a non-cancerous disorder).
2. Stage I: 5 YSR 85% (median survival to 5 years by 85%).
3. Stage II: 5 YSR 60-70% (median survival to 5 years of 60-70%).
4. Stage III: 5 YSR 30-50% (median survival to 5 years 30-50%).
5. Stage IV: 5 YSR of 15% (median survival to 5 years at 5%).

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